What are the numbers measured?

What are the numbers measured?


Swing Speed: This measures how fast your hand is swinging at the point of impact. Note that this is not the club speed, which is a function of a number of other variables, such as how fast you un-cock your hand, and how much kick you get from your shaft.

Tempo: This measures the ratio of how fast you swing up vs. how fast you swing down. Golf professionals recommend 3:1 as the ideal tempo.

Impact Angle: Your club face angle at impact as compared to the angle at address. If closed, the club face is facing left of target line. If open, it is facing right of target line.

Swing Plane: The angle of your swing plane, i.e., the angle formed from the top of your swing to your point of address.

The following 4 statistics assume we know the target direction you are hitting. We determine that by checking the initial part of your back swing, which should be the opposite direction of your target direction. If your back swing is not straight, we are not able to accurately estimate the target direction. In that case, please ignore the following 4 numbers, they will not be accurate.

Arm Lean at Address (only accurate when back swing is straight): This shows the angle your arm lean along the target line. In general, for shorter clubs, you place the ball towards the center of your stance, and your arm leans more forward towards the target.

Arm Lean at Impact (only accurate when back swing is straight): This shows the arm lean at impact. If it is leaning forward, your hand leads your club head.

Swing Path (only accurate when back swing is straight): This shows your swing path relative to your target line. In general, it is preferrable to swing inside-out, to hit a nice draw.

Grip (only accurate when back swing is straight): Some swing problems are a result of your grip being too strong or too weak. The angle is relative to the square of your target line. More positive angle means your hand is rotated right (left for left-handed golfer) and you have a stronger grip. More negative means your hand is rotated left (right for left-handed golfer) and you have a weaker grip.